Guide on how to Apply for a new, lost or stolen wheelie bin.

Apply for a new bin

The registered property owner or property managing agent must download and fill in the Supply of Services Application Form (English | Afrikaans | isiXhosa). Please ensure that you fill in all the sections related to refuse removal.

If you are renting, you will need to submit a letter of authority from the property owner or managing agent with your application form.

Click Here to guide.

Replace a stolen or damaged bin

If your bin has been stolen, you will need to report the theft of your bin at the nearest SAPS office to obtain an affidavit.

Click Here to guide.

Notice of AGM 2019

All members of the Beaconvale Improvement District NPC and all property owners of property situated inside the Beaconvale  Improvement District are invited to attend the 2019 AGM  to be held on 31 October 2019 at 15:00 at FI Group, Unit A1, Connaught Park, McGregor Street, Beaconvale

Please confirm your attendance / non-attendance by email to

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the Beaconvale Improvement District NPC.  This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial and industrial property within the Beaconvale Improvement District SRA, but they must be registered before 24 October 2019.

If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately.

Click here to go to the AGM page

For further information, documentation and how to register go to or e-mail or call 083 255 7657

MEDIA RELEASE – Mayor Plato announces City’s move to Level 3 ‘recovery’ restrictions

  • From Saturday 1 December 2018, water restrictions and the associated tariffs will be lowered from Level 5 to Level 3 recovery restrictions, which includes increasing the daily usage from 70 litres per person per day to 105 litres per person per day; or from 500 million litres to 650 million litres of collective usage per day
  • Tariffs will also be lowered to Level 3. If for example residents use less than 6 000 litres per month (Step 1) they can expect to pay 35,5% less
  • This decision follows on from the National Department of Water and Sanitation’s latest water assessment
  • Restrictions remain on a fairly strict recovery level as a precaution to deal with rainfall uncertainty in 2019 and 2020
  • We encourage Cape Town’s water ambassadors to maintain their water-wise approach during the recovery phase and as the metro moves towards becoming a more water-sensitive city in the near future
  • The 40% restriction on water usage applicable to businesses has been removed but the sector is strongly encouraged to continue implementing and investigating the further efficient use of water in their operations


The City of Cape Town’s water users can expect a considerable reduction in the cost of water to be reflected in their municipal invoices from next month. This is due to the lowering of water restrictions from Level 5 to Level 3 recovery restrictions from Saturday 1 December 2018.


The City views 2019 as a recovery year after having successfully emerged from the unprecedented drought.


This decision to lower restrictions comes after a meeting between the National Department of Water and Sanitation and the water users of the Western Cape Water Supply System, namely the agricultural sector, Western Cape Government, municipalities and the Cape Town metro regarding the water assessment for the year ahead.


Based on National Government’s assessment of the hydrological year, a saving of between 10% and 20% for urban water users has been proposed. However, the City has decided to implement a more cautious 30% saving to help with the recovery of the dams and to cater for the uncertainty that exists around rainfall volumes and frequency in 2019.


‘I want to thank all the residents, officials, and visitors to Cape Town who played their part in helping us get through one of the worst droughts this city has ever seen. While the drought is not yet over, we have seen that there is room to bring some relief to our residents. I know it has been tough and I hope that this reduction in tariffs will bring some comfort over the festive season. We will still need to be water-wise though, as we do not know what the next rainy season holds.


‘We are no longer in a period of extreme scarcity, but it does not mean that we should forego some of the great water-wise ways that we have made a part of our daily lives – and for which we have become world famous. We are situated in a water-scarce region and the water-wise efforts and ways to diversify and augment our water supply should and will continue.


‘If one looks at international drought experience, water restrictions are either implemented too late or lifted too early. Hence our decision to take a conservative approach to the recovery while we continue to monitor the situation,’ said the City’s Executive Mayor, Alderman Dan Plato.


The City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Informal Settlements, Water and Waste Services; and Energy, Councillor Xanthea Limberg added: ‘We see 2019 as a recovery year after having successfully emerged from the severe and unprecedented drought. Based on our own assessment, we are following a conservative approach in the light of rainfall uncertainty over the coming two years. These Level 3 recovery restrictions are also a measure to help support the great change we have seen in the relationship that we have with water while, at the same time, providing some financial relief to residents and businesses. This is not only a period of recovery for our dams, but also for our economy as a whole as well as for our residents and businesses who truly made huge sacrifices to help us get Cape Town through the drought.’


Due to the extreme economic and rural hardship that has been suffered as a result of the drought, the agricultural sector will only reduce water usage by 10% as it too enters a period of recovery. The City fully supports this move as the agricultural sector also supported the City as an urban water user during the height of the drought.


Please see the following links for information on:

AGM 2018

All members of the Beaconvale Improvement District NPC and all property owners of property situated inside the Beaconvale  Improvement District are invited to attend the 2018 AGM  to be held on 8 October 2018 at 15:00 at FI Group, Unit A1, Connaught Park, McGregor Street, Beaconvale

Please confirm your attendance / non-attendance by email to

Resolutions presented at the AGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the Beaconvale Improvement District NPC.  This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial and industrial property within the Beaconvale Improvement District SRA, but they must be registered before 28 September 2018.

If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately.

Click here to go to the AGM page

For further information, documentation and how to register go to or e-mail or call 083 255 7657

Interesting and demanding times for BVID

Public Safety 

Illegal dumping 

According to Beaconvale Improvement District Manager Hannes Bronkhorst this is now the most concerning and at times challenging aspect of maintaining cleanliness in the BVID. Illegal dumping removal has become a normal feature of the work done daily by the GUMCT (Geocentric Urban Management Cleaning Team). 

illegal dumping

Due to the proximity of the area to homes and itself being an industrial and business hub, it’s not hard to see why it’s a prime spot for illegal dumping.  

Assisting the public 

Baby birth  

Not only do the PSO (Public Safety Officers) prevent and curb criminal activities, they also go the extra mile when assisting the public! They were recently even available and helpful when a baby was born.   

Below is a summary of what transpired: 

At 02:09 on 7 April, Response Officer Bavuma reported that they were called by an unknown male in Riley Street to assist his girlfriend, who was on the verge of giving birth. It was confirmed that the young woman who needed assistance was 21 year old Ms Makayla, who lives in Parow Valley. According to her she was seven months into her pregnancy. 

The Emergency Services were contacted. and spoke to Ms Nozithiwo, who transferred the call to Mr Nceba Mali. He gave instructions for what to do after the baby was born. 

It was confirmed that the baby was born at 02:25. The Ambulance Services arrived later, only after the baby had been born. The baby and her mother were taken away by the ambulance for further treatment and observation. 


Stolen vehicle recovered 

At about 22:50 on 11 April 2018 Officer Ncipha reported that Security Officer Betena from Marine Security had informed him of a grey Hyundai I10 parked in front of 105 Taylor Street, Beaconvale Industrial with its headlights on, doors closed and no keys in the ignition. 

stolen vehicle 1

stolen vehicle 2

Zonewatch Control then dispatched his colleague Officer Memani to the location as back up. SO Betena also informed that he had noticed three boys running from that direction as reported. Officer Ncipha reported that he had noticed three guys running towards the residential area, whilst he was patrolling on Taylor Street. 

The Parow police were contacted. At about 01:46 contact was made with 10111 to report that someone on foot had again been spotted at the vehicle but that he had run away when he spotted the Beaconvale Patrol Vehicles approaching. 

At about 02:05 Parow SAPS arrived on the scene and a registration check was subsequently done by the police. It was confirmed that the number plates, CA 241 588 were false and actually belonged to a Honda.  The Hyundai i 10 was positively declared a stolen vehicle and was towed away. 


Motor vehicle accident 

At about 21:30 on 11 April  a motor vehicle accident occurred at the intersection of Jan Smuts Road and Epping Avenue/ Jan Van Riebeeck Drive. Our Public safety Officers and Control Room assisted with activating emergency services and assisting at the scene.

cctv image shows tow truck already there

The City of Cape Town draft Budget 2018-2019 comment period is open

The City of Cape Town’s draft Budget 2018-2019 is available for comment until 16:30 on Friday, 4 May 2018.

A budget of R 49.1 billion will be spent in the metropolitan area to ensure that services are maintained, improved and expanded, that capital projects are rolled out and that the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is implemented.

The effect of the unprecedented and continuing drought is a strong theme and has influenced many factors, including tariff increases and reviews in tariff structure. 

2016-2017 Budget highlights:

Created 45 370 EPWP job opportunities; invested R 3.7 billion (2015/16: R 3.3 billion) in repairs and maintenance; installed 1 747 subsidised electricity connections; provided 676 new taps and 2 085 new toilets to informal settlements; achieved 69,86% employment rate of people from employment equity target groups at the highest levels of management.
• Review the draft 2018/2019 Budget documents
• Comment online and read the common draft Budget FAQs
• You can see what an existing tariff will look like under the new draft Budget by reviewing Annexure 6 and the various documents by Directorate.
• For a comprehensive overview of the tabled budget and proposed changes, please read Annexure A.

Highlights from Annexure A:

• An allowance of R 76 million for indigent relief.
• Introduction of a fixed service charge for both water and electricity.
• Planned capital expenditure includes R 5 billion for Informal Settlements, Water & Waste. Services, R 1.7 billion for the Transport & Urban Development Authority and R 1.1 billion for Energy.
• Simplifying the steps of the water and electricity tariff from six to four.
The proposed average rates and tariff increases for 2018-19 are shown the table below. 

Important things to remember:
• The City does not make any profit on the sale of water or electricity.
• The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) approved an average percentage price increase of 5.23% to Eskom for the 2018-19 financial year, which translates to a 7.32% increase for municipalities.
Frequently asked questions:
• Rates and valuation FAQs
• Electricity tariff FAQs 

The City of Cape Town draft Budget 2018-2019 comment period is open

The City of Cape Town draft Budget 2018-2019 comment period is open
Dear Cape Town residents and businesses

The draft Budget 2018-2019 is available for comment until 16:30 on Friday, 4 May 2018.

A budget of R 49.1 billion will be spent in the metropolitan area to ensure that services are maintained, improved and expanded, that capital projects are rolled out and that the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) is implemented.

The effect of the unprecedented and continuing drought is a strong theme and has influenced many factors, including tariff increases and reviews in tariff structure.

2016-2017 Budget highlights: Created 45 370 EPWP job opportunities; invested R 3.7 billion (2015/16: R 3.3 billion) in repairs and maintenance; installed 1 747 subsidised electricity connections; provided 676 new taps and 2 085 new toilets to informal settlements; achieved 69,86% employment rate of people from employment equity target groups at the highest levels of management.

Highlights from Annexure A:

  • An allowance of R 76 million for indigent relief.
  • Introduction of a fixed service charge for both water and electricity.
  • Planned capital expenditure includes R 5 billion for Informal Settlements, Water & Waste. Services, R 1.7 billion for the Transport & Urban Development Authority and R 1.1 billion for Energy.
  • Simplifying the steps of the water and electricity tariff from six to four.

The proposed average rates and tariff increases for 2018-19 are shown the table below.


Important things to remember:

  • The City does not make any profit on the sale of water or electricity.
  • The National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) approved an average percentage price increase of 5.23% to Eskom for the 2018-19 financial year, which translates to a 7.32% increase for municipalities.

Frequently asked questions:

W57 | STATEMENT BY EXECUTIVE DEPUTY MAYOR: ALD. NEILSON: Let’s keep our water-saving focus Team Cape Town



20 MARCH 2018




Let’s keep our water-saving focus, Team Cape Town


As at Monday 19 March 2018, our collective consumption over the past week was 565 million litres of water per day. Unfortunately, usage has increased by 54 million litres per day from last week’s record low of 511 million litres per day. Nevertheless, we are confident that our water users will again shatter water use records in the weeks ahead. Read more below:


Our dam levels have shown only a slight decline of 0,3% to 22,7% . This is the lowest decline in dam levels this year to date. This can likely be attributed to somewhat lower evaporation rates and small amounts of rainfall, especially in the Steenbras Dam area.


We will continue to monitor the water usage trend to see whether the increase in consumption is a once-off occurrence or whether there is another underlying reason that would need to be addressed.


Level 6B water restrictions are still in place. Water pressure reduction remains in place, water management devices continue to be installed on the connections of high water users and the bills based on 6B tariffs are reaching consumers. It is essential that we all continue to save water.


All water users are reminded that the City is still required by the National Government to reduce water usage to 450 million litres per day in order to stretch the available water supplies through the rest of the year. This equates to a reduction of 45% from normal usage. We are currently hovering at just below a 40% reduction. A sustained collective push is now required to reduce consumption by just 5% in order to achieve our target.


We will continue to drive our initiatives to reduce water consumption. This will include advanced pressure management, the installation of water management devices at the properties of high water users and proactively implementing advanced water restrictions and associated tariffs to encourage behaviour change.


If all Capetonians join us by keeping their consumption down to 50 litres of water a day, or less, we will avoid having to take more drastic actions.


Please visit for all water-related information, including Level 6B restrictions and FAQs about Day Zero as well as tips to lower usage even further.

Geocentric Launches New App

“As Geocentric we are very proud to launch our new mobile phone reporting application,” said Gene Lohrentz of the urban management company recently. “This is another way in which we are enabling our CID business and property owners to interact with their City Improvement District Management. 

“We want our CID contributors to become part of our family by interacting with us about issues they might encounter.  The mobile application makes that possible on the devices most people have with them every day.” 

Geocentric Reporting App 2

The Geocentric app allows users to easily report issues in the City Improvement Districts managed by Geocentric Urban Management based in South Africa.  Currently the areas covered by this Application include Beaconvale Industrial Area, Elsies River Industrial, Glosderry, Maitland, Salt River, Somerset West CBD, Stikland Industrial, Strand CBD and the Tygervalley CBD.  

With this application users can report urban defects, crime incidents, public safety issues and general comments.  “We will acknowledge your report and provide you with feedback throughout the process.  We will also send you ‘Alerts’ of problems in your CID area, such as water leaks or power outages and we can even send crime alerts and safety tips to your mobile phone. 

The Geocentric Reporting Application is Free of Charge 

Simply install it and register as a user when using it for the first time.  If you need any help, please contact 

Geocentric Reporting App 1

Let’s get started! 

  • Simply download and install the App from the Google Play or Apple App Store  
  • Register as a user, using the app when you open it for the first time 
  • We will send you a confirmation email and you will have to activate your app by clicking on the activation link in the email – this is to ensure we are dealing with people and not spammers. 
  • Go to your email and verify your email address 
  • Log in and you are ready to go!