Beaconvale LogoThe BEACONVALE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC will be hosting a Special General Meeting and all stakeholders are invited to a review of the year’s activities and planning for 2018/19.

Date: 7 November 2017

Time: 15:00
Venue: FI Group, Unit A1, Connaught Park, Mc Gregor
Street, Beaconvale

Resolutions presented at the SGM can only be voted on by bona fide members of the BEACONVALE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NPC. This membership is available free of charge to all owners of commercial or industrial properties within the BEACONVALE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SRA footprint, but they must be registered before 24 October 2017.

Membership Application Forms can be downloaded on the Beaconvale ID Website

Completed Application forms can be e-mailed to or for further information please call 083 255 7657

▪ Registration
▪ Welcome & Apologies, Quorum to constitute meeting
▪ CID Manager’s feedback on operations
▪ Approval of Implementation Plan 2018/19
▪ Approval of Budget and usage of Surplus Funds 2018/19
▪ Appointment of Auditors
▪ Appointment of Company Secretary
▪ Election of Board Members
▪ General / Q & A
▪ Adjournment



The Beaconvale Improvement District the Beaconvale Improvement District Steering Committee is pleased to advise you that we have received enough support for the Business Plan dated July 2016 Revision 1 to submit an application to the City of Cape Town to establish the Beaconvale Improvement District in terms of the City of Cape Town SRA By-Law 2012, as amended 2016 and SRA Policy, 2016.

Any objections to the establishment of the Beaconvale Improvement District must be submitted in writing to the City Manager, PO Box 298, Cape Town, 8000 or hand delivered to the City Manager, 5th Floor, Podium Block, Civic Centre, 12 Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town or e-mailed to Objections must be received by the City by not later than 16 December 2016.

A public meeting will be held, the purpose of which shall be to inform all attendees of relevant information pertaining to the application, and to discuss the practical implications relating thereto.

DATE               : 5 December 2016

TIME                : 14H00

PLACE             : FI Group

ADDRESS        : Unit A1, Connaught Park, Mc Gregor Street, Beaconvale

The BVID aims to create a safer and cleaner environment for all by providing ‘top up’ services to those provided by the City of Cape Town.  If the application is successful, the BVID will become effective from 1 July 2017.

NOTICE of Public Meeting


Notice is hereby given that:

1.     Finitex Pty Ltd, registered owner of Erf 22461, 73 Connaught Road, Beaconvale, intends applying to establish an SRA, to be called the Beaconvale Improvement District in terms of the City of Cape Town: Special Rating Area By-Law – 2012 (as amended 2016) read together with the City of Cape Town’s Special Rating Area Policy to include all non-residential rated properties in the area  bound by:

Northern Boundary:  From the intersection of the railway reserve with Jan van Riebeeck Drive eastwards along the railway reserve to the intersection of the railway reserve with Parow Station and Connaught Road (Excluding the railway reserve and Parow Station).

Eastern Boundary: From Parow Station along Connaught Road southwards up until the intersection of Riley Street, along Riley Street to include all non-residential properties on both sides of Connaught and Riley Streets. From there the boundary follows along Koedoe Street to the cul de sac of Taylor street and then eastwards along the back of the industrial properties intersecting with Impala Street, Prinsloo Street, Bresler Road and Du Preez Street up until De Villiers Street and then along De Villiers Street to Riley Street to include the boundary of Erf 23412 where it borders on De La Rey Street.

Southern Boundary:  From the intersection of De La Ray Street and Francie van Zijl Street along Tredoux Street to include all properties north of Francie van Zijl Drive up until the intersection with Jan van Riebeeck Drive.

Western Boundary:  From the intersection of Francie van Zijl Drive and Jan van Riebeeck Drive northwards along the eastern boundary of the road reserve up to the intersection of Jan van Riebeeck Drive and the railway line to include only the properties to the east of Jan van Riebeeck Drive.

2.     A public meeting will be held, the purpose of which shall be to:

i)       Inform all attendees of relevant information pertaining to the application, and to

ii)    Discuss the practical implications relating thereto.

DATE                    : 10 August 2016

TIME                    : 16:30

PLACE                  : Meeting Room, Tiervlei Electric

ADDRESS            : 99 Rissik Street, Beaconvale



Enquiries, contact Sean Lavery Tel: 021 937 7440

Please note:  If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately and inform G. Lohrentz at, 083 255 7657 of the registered owner’s contact details so that contact could be made with the registered owner.

Welcome to theBeaconvale Improvement District Initiative

The proposed Beaconvale area supports a business mix including some light industries as well as various industrial parks and a retail spine along Connaught Road and Jan Smuts Street.  The public environment is clearly in distress with marked levels of urban degradation.  Most business owners are aware of crime, concerned about crime or have been directly affected by crime in the area.  Property owners of adjacent communities such as Elsies River Industrial, Parow Industrial, Epping Industrial and properties owners in the Voortrekker Road Corridor have already invested in their urban management by establishing their own Special Rating Areas commonly known as city improvement districts.

The steering committee has identified the Special Rating Area (SRA) model as a basis to address problems and counter any potential for further urban decay and the further increase of crime in the area. The formation of an SRA in the area will enable the establishment of a statutory body to manage and implement additional public safety and urban management operations in addition to those services provided by the City of Cape Town. The property owners from the area will pay an additional rate to fund additional municipal services for that specific area as set out in this business plan for the proposed Beaconvale Improvement District (BVID). The additional municipal services typically include the provision of additional public safety, cleansing services, maintenance and/or upgrading of the urban public environment and/or infrastructure and social services that addresses social issues in the area.

The SRA additional rates is collected by the City from property owners in the area and paid to the BVID, a Non Profit Company (NPC). The budget will be dedicated to the specific area only and will be spent in accordance with the approved Business Plan. The additional rates paid by the property owners in the area means an equitable split based on municipal property valuation. The cost of the additional services allows individual property owners to benefit from a well-managed business node including a shared sense of communal pride, safety and social responsibility.

Vision, Mission and Goals of the Proposed Beaconvale Improvement District

The vision of the BVID is to establish and maintain a safe, clean, well-managed Industrial District that attracts and retains business investment and activities in the area.

It is the mission of the BVID to implement a strategy to counter urban degeneration of the area by creating a safe and attractive Industrial District.

The Proposed Beaconvale Improvement District has the following goals:

  • Reducing crime significantly by proactive visible patrolling and cooperation with existing SAPS and City of Cape Town Law Enforcement efforts as well as other security service providers in the area.
  • Creating a safe and clean public environment by addressing issues of maintenance and cleaning of streets, pavements and public spaces.
  • Manage existing and new public infrastructure for the future benefit of all the users of the area.
  • Protect property values.
  • Attract new investment to the area.
  • Support the promotion of the BVID industrial area as a safe and clean environment by promoting greening, energy efficiency, recycling and risk/disaster management.
  • Support and promote social responsibility in the area
  • The sustained and effective management of the BVID area.