Interesting and demanding times for BVID

Public Safety 

Illegal dumping 

According to Beaconvale Improvement District Manager Hannes Bronkhorst this is now the most concerning and at times challenging aspect of maintaining cleanliness in the BVID. Illegal dumping removal has become a normal feature of the work done daily by the GUMCT (Geocentric Urban Management Cleaning Team). 

illegal dumping

Due to the proximity of the area to homes and itself being an industrial and business hub, it’s not hard to see why it’s a prime spot for illegal dumping.  

Assisting the public 

Baby birth  

Not only do the PSO (Public Safety Officers) prevent and curb criminal activities, they also go the extra mile when assisting the public! They were recently even available and helpful when a baby was born.   

Below is a summary of what transpired: 

At 02:09 on 7 April, Response Officer Bavuma reported that they were called by an unknown male in Riley Street to assist his girlfriend, who was on the verge of giving birth. It was confirmed that the young woman who needed assistance was 21 year old Ms Makayla, who lives in Parow Valley. According to her she was seven months into her pregnancy. 

The Emergency Services were contacted. and spoke to Ms Nozithiwo, who transferred the call to Mr Nceba Mali. He gave instructions for what to do after the baby was born. 

It was confirmed that the baby was born at 02:25. The Ambulance Services arrived later, only after the baby had been born. The baby and her mother were taken away by the ambulance for further treatment and observation. 


Stolen vehicle recovered 

At about 22:50 on 11 April 2018 Officer Ncipha reported that Security Officer Betena from Marine Security had informed him of a grey Hyundai I10 parked in front of 105 Taylor Street, Beaconvale Industrial with its headlights on, doors closed and no keys in the ignition. 

stolen vehicle 1

stolen vehicle 2

Zonewatch Control then dispatched his colleague Officer Memani to the location as back up. SO Betena also informed that he had noticed three boys running from that direction as reported. Officer Ncipha reported that he had noticed three guys running towards the residential area, whilst he was patrolling on Taylor Street. 

The Parow police were contacted. At about 01:46 contact was made with 10111 to report that someone on foot had again been spotted at the vehicle but that he had run away when he spotted the Beaconvale Patrol Vehicles approaching. 

At about 02:05 Parow SAPS arrived on the scene and a registration check was subsequently done by the police. It was confirmed that the number plates, CA 241 588 were false and actually belonged to a Honda.  The Hyundai i 10 was positively declared a stolen vehicle and was towed away. 


Motor vehicle accident 

At about 21:30 on 11 April  a motor vehicle accident occurred at the intersection of Jan Smuts Road and Epping Avenue/ Jan Van Riebeeck Drive. Our Public safety Officers and Control Room assisted with activating emergency services and assisting at the scene.

cctv image shows tow truck already there