NOTICE of Public Meeting


Notice is hereby given that:

1.     Finitex Pty Ltd, registered owner of Erf 22461, 73 Connaught Road, Beaconvale, intends applying to establish an SRA, to be called the Beaconvale Improvement District in terms of the City of Cape Town: Special Rating Area By-Law – 2012 (as amended 2016) read together with the City of Cape Town’s Special Rating Area Policy to include all non-residential rated properties in the area  bound by:

Northern Boundary:  From the intersection of the railway reserve with Jan van Riebeeck Drive eastwards along the railway reserve to the intersection of the railway reserve with Parow Station and Connaught Road (Excluding the railway reserve and Parow Station).

Eastern Boundary: From Parow Station along Connaught Road southwards up until the intersection of Riley Street, along Riley Street to include all non-residential properties on both sides of Connaught and Riley Streets. From there the boundary follows along Koedoe Street to the cul de sac of Taylor street and then eastwards along the back of the industrial properties intersecting with Impala Street, Prinsloo Street, Bresler Road and Du Preez Street up until De Villiers Street and then along De Villiers Street to Riley Street to include the boundary of Erf 23412 where it borders on De La Rey Street.

Southern Boundary:  From the intersection of De La Ray Street and Francie van Zijl Street along Tredoux Street to include all properties north of Francie van Zijl Drive up until the intersection with Jan van Riebeeck Drive.

Western Boundary:  From the intersection of Francie van Zijl Drive and Jan van Riebeeck Drive northwards along the eastern boundary of the road reserve up to the intersection of Jan van Riebeeck Drive and the railway line to include only the properties to the east of Jan van Riebeeck Drive.

2.     A public meeting will be held, the purpose of which shall be to:

i)       Inform all attendees of relevant information pertaining to the application, and to

ii)    Discuss the practical implications relating thereto.

DATE                    : 10 August 2016

TIME                    : 16:30

PLACE                  : Meeting Room, Tiervlei Electric

ADDRESS            : 99 Rissik Street, Beaconvale



Enquiries, contact Sean Lavery Tel: 021 937 7440

Please note:  If you are not the registered owner of this property, kindly forward this notice to the registered owner immediately and inform G. Lohrentz at, 083 255 7657 of the registered owner’s contact details so that contact could be made with the registered owner.